Factors that trigger or lead to asthma 

The exact etiology of asthma is unknown but hereditary and environmental factors play role in the occurrence of asthma attacks. Considering the risk factors, hereditary factors are dominant in the development of asthma whereas environmental factors are dominant in the development of attacks.

Personal factors

Environmental factors

Inside: House dust mite, pets, cockroach and molds

Outside: Pollens and molds

Reference: http://www.toraks.org.tr/uploadFiles/book/file/410201117326-Risk-faktorleri.pdf

Symptoms of asthma

Asthma patients may show, 

Most of the patients also have allergic rhinitis and exercise-induced shortness of breathing.1 The signs and symptoms are repetitive, they occur in attacks, mostly during nighttime and/or early morning, may relieve spontaneously or on medication, and show seasonal or daily variability.2 


Expert Panel Report 3(EPR-3): Guidelines for the diagnosis  and management of asthma-Full Report 2007, J Allergy  Clin Immunol 2007;120:s94-s138